Deal or no Deal VB Tutorial

In order to make this game from scrath you will need to add the following and alter the settings as follows:

Add 23 buttons to your form (These make your boxes).  To make this very easy just drag your mouse to select all 23 boxes at once.

  • Change FlatStyle to 'Flat'
  • Change backgroundimage to the box picture
  • Change font size to around 12-14
  • Change TextAlign to MiddleCenter
  • Change the Text for each of the boxes to "1".."2"..."3"..and so on to 22 (leaving 1 box blank)
Now drag the blank box down to the bottom left-hand corner (this becomes your chosen box) and make it a little bigger than the rest.

  • Change Enabled to 'False'
Now add a picturebox in the bottom right-hand corner for the telephone.  You need to have a stationary phone image and an animated phone image added to your resources. 

  • Change the picturebox image to 'stationary image file'
Now add a panel inbetween the large box and the should be about the same height as the box.  You need to add the following inside the panel:

  • Label - Change the text to 'I will buy your box for:"
  • A large Textbox with multiline ticked
  • 2 buttons - 1 text "deal"..the other "no deal"
  • Change the panel visible propertie to 'False'
Now add a final button above your large box:

  • Change button text to 'Play again?'
  • Change the visible propertie to 'False'
Now as we did at the beginning I need you to highlight all 22 boxes and in the properties window click on the lightning symbol "events".   Scroll down to 'Mouse Click" and double click on the word which should take you to the from code screen.

Now go back onto your forms design screen and create a picturebox control somewhere on the form:

  • Change image to the background image (brickwall)
  • Right click inside the picturebox and click on 'Send to back'
  • Then click the little arrow on the top right corner and click "Dock in parent container"
Things should be looking good now so lets get onto the code part.  It looks like alot of code but when you have it running you will see it isnt that much.....

 You can copy and paste this code directly into your form if you wish and it should function ok.

Public Class Form1
    'This section of code handles the main game functions
    Public start = 0 'Set to "0" because the game hasnt started yet
    Public bchosen = -1 'Counts how many boxes have been opened until we reach the last 2
    Public bxclick = 0 'Counts how many boxes have been opened before the banker makes an goes to "3"
    Public haltgame = 0 'Pauses the game and locks all boxes while you decide to deal or no deal
    Public Number1 As Integer
    Public Number2 As Integer
    Public Number3 As Integer
    Public Number4 As Integer 'All of these store each boxes value and are used by the banker to generate an offer
    Public Number5 As Integer
    Public Number6 As Integer
    Public Number7 As Integer
    Public Number8 As Integer
    Public Number9 As Integer
    Public Number10 As Integer
    Public Number11 As Integer
    Public Number12 As Integer
    Public Number13 As Integer
    Public Number14 As Integer
    Public Number15 As Integer
    Public Number16 As Integer
    Public Number17 As Integer
    Public Number18 As Integer
    Public Number19 As Integer
    Public Number20 As Integer
    Public Number21 As Integer
    Public Number22 As Integer
    Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        'This runs when the game loads and activates the random box generator
    End Sub

    Public Sub bvalues()
        Dim myBoxv As New List(Of String)
        Dim myNewBoxv As New List(Of String)
        'Randomises 22 values as shown in the string below
        myBoxv.AddRange(New String() {"0.1", "0.10", "0.50", "1", "5", "10", "50", "100", "250", "500", "750", "1000", "3000", "5000", "10000", "15000", "20000", "35000", "50000", "75000", "100000", "250000"})
        Dim Rnd As New Random
        Dim Temp As Integer
        For count As Integer = 1 To 22
            Temp = Rnd.Next(0, myBoxv.Count)
        'When the values have been generated they are placed randomly into all 22 boxes
        'values are stored in each boxes TAG propertie
        Button1.Tag = myNewBoxv(0)
        Button2.Tag = myNewBoxv(1)
        Button3.Tag = myNewBoxv(2)
        Button4.Tag = myNewBoxv(3)
        Button5.Tag = myNewBoxv(4)
        Button6.Tag = myNewBoxv(5)
        Button7.Tag = myNewBoxv(6)
        Button8.Tag = myNewBoxv(7)
        Button9.Tag = myNewBoxv(8)
        Button10.Tag = myNewBoxv(9)
        Button11.Tag = myNewBoxv(10)
        Button12.Tag = myNewBoxv(11)
        Button13.Tag = myNewBoxv(12)
        Button14.Tag = myNewBoxv(13)
        Button15.Tag = myNewBoxv(14)
        Button16.Tag = myNewBoxv(15)
        Button17.Tag = myNewBoxv(16)
        Button18.Tag = myNewBoxv(17)
        Button19.Tag = myNewBoxv(18)
        Button20.Tag = myNewBoxv(19)
        Button21.Tag = myNewBoxv(20)
        Button22.Tag = myNewBoxv(21)
    End Sub
    Private Sub Button7_MouseClick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles Button7.MouseClick, Button15.MouseClick, Button13.MouseClick, Button9.MouseClick, Button8.MouseClick, Button6.MouseClick, Button5.MouseClick, Button4.MouseClick, Button3.MouseClick, Button22.MouseClick, Button21.MouseClick, Button20.MouseClick, Button2.MouseClick, Button19.MouseClick, Button18.MouseClick, Button17.MouseClick, Button16.MouseClick, Button14.MouseClick, Button12.MouseClick, Button11.MouseClick, Button10.MouseClick, Button1.MouseClick
        'This control the mouse click event for all 22 buttons
        'its quicker than codeing each button individually
        'you can use this method for other controls aswell

        'We dont want the first box we chose to show its value...we are simply selecting it as our keep box
        If start = 0 Then 'If the game hasnt started yet we chose the box and store its value in the keeper box
            Button23.Tag = CType(sender, Button).Tag
            Button23.Text = "       " + CType(sender, Button).Text
            CType(sender, Button).Visible = False 'We make our selected box invisible
            bchosen += 1
        End If

        'The game has now started and we can open boxes ..start is set to "1"
        If start = 1 And bchosen < 20 And haltgame = 0 Then
            'We open whichever boxed we clicked and show its value
            CType(sender, Button).BackColor = Color.White
            CType(sender, Button).FlatAppearance.BorderColor = Color.Red
            CType(sender, Button).BackgroundImage = Nothing 'Removes the box picture
            CType(sender, Button).FlatAppearance.BorderSize = 2
            CType(sender, Button).Text = "£" + CType(sender, Button).Tag
            CType(sender, Button).Enabled = False
            'We set the boxes value to "0" so the banker knows its no longer there and adjusts his next offer
            CType(sender, Button).Tag = 0
            bchosen += 1 'We have clicked a box so we add it to the total - goes to 20
            bxclick += 1 'We have opened a box so add it to the total - goes to 3

        End If
        'Because we needed to calculate 1p - 10p - 50p we dont want it to appear on a box like £0.10p
        'so if a box contains this amount we change it to 10p looks better!
        If CType(sender, Button).Text = "£0.1" And haltgame = 0 Then
            CType(sender, Button).Text = "1p"
            CType(sender, Button).FlatAppearance.BorderColor = Color.Blue
        ElseIf CType(sender, Button).Text = "£0.10" And haltgame = 0 Then
            CType(sender, Button).Text = "10p"
            CType(sender, Button).FlatAppearance.BorderColor = Color.Blue

        ElseIf CType(sender, Button).Text = "£0.50" And haltgame = 0 Then
            CType(sender, Button).Text = "50p"
            CType(sender, Button).FlatAppearance.BorderColor = Color.Blue
            'If the box has a value less than 1000 then its a blue box and we change the border to blue color
            'otherwise it stays red because its a high value
        ElseIf CType(sender, Button).Text < 1000 And haltgame = 0 Then
            CType(sender, Button).FlatAppearance.BorderColor = Color.Blue

        End If
        'If we have opened 20 boxes then we activate our keeper box
        If bchosen = 20 Then
            Button23.Enabled = True
            bxclick = 3 'We set this immediately to "3" because we only have 2 boxes left and we want the banker to make an offer
        End If
        If bxclick = 3 Then
            haltgame = 1 'Game is paused
            bankeroffer() 'Banker makes an offer
        End If
        start = 1 'Game has started

    End Sub
    Public Sub bankeroffer()

        'These retrieve each remaining boxes value so the banker can calculate an offer
        Number1 = Button1.Tag
        Number2 = Button2.Tag
        Number3 = Button3.Tag
        Number4 = Button4.Tag
        Number5 = Button5.Tag
        Number6 = Button6.Tag
        Number7 = Button7.Tag
        Number8 = Button8.Tag
        Number9 = Button9.Tag
        Number10 = Button10.Tag
        Number11 = Button11.Tag
        Number12 = Button12.Tag
        Number13 = Button13.Tag
        Number14 = Button14.Tag
        Number15 = Button15.Tag
        Number16 = Button16.Tag
        Number17 = Button17.Tag
        Number18 = Button18.Tag
        Number19 = Button19.Tag
        Number20 = Button20.Tag
        Number21 = Button21.Tag
        Number22 = Button22.Tag
        'We add all of the remaining values together
        Dim TotalNumber As Integer = Number1 + Number2 + Number3 + Number4 + Number5 + Number6 + Number7 + Number8 + Number8 + Number10 + Number11 + Number12 + Number13 + Number14 + Number15 + Number16 + Number17 + Number18 + Number19 + Number20 + Number21 + Number22

        Dim Average As Integer
        Average = TotalNumber / 22 'We now calculate the average value of all those values
        PictureBox1.Image = My.Resources.utilphone1 'We animate the telephone
        TextBox1.Visible = True
        TextBox1.Text = "£" + Average.ToString() 'Place the offer in a string
        bxclick = 0
        My.Computer.Audio.Play(My.Resources.phone06, AudioPlayMode.BackgroundLoop) 'Banker makes a phone call
    End Sub
    Private Sub Button24_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button24.Click
        'We accept the bankers offer and make the "play again" button visible
        Label1.Text = "   Congratulations!!"
        Button26.Visible = True
    End Sub

    Private Sub Button25_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button25.Click
        'We reject the bankers off and make it go away
        Panel1.Visible = False
        'Are we on the last 2 boxes?..Pause the game and activate the keeper box to see what you won
        If bchosen = 21 Then
            Button23.Enabled = True
            bchosen = 25
            haltgame = 1
            haltgame = 0 'If we have more than 2 boxes left then keep playing
        End If

    End Sub

    Private Sub Button23_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button23.Click

        'We click our keeper box and show its value
        CType(sender, Button).BackColor = Color.White
        CType(sender, Button).ForeColor = Color.Red
        CType(sender, Button).BackgroundImage = Nothing
        CType(sender, Button).FlatAppearance.BorderSize = 2
        CType(sender, Button).Text = "£" + CType(sender, Button).Tag
        CType(sender, Button).Enabled = False
        Panel1.Visible = True
        Label1.Text = "    Congratulations!!"
        Button24.Visible = False
        Button25.Visible = False
        Button26.Visible = True
        TextBox1.Text = "£" + CType(sender, Button).Tag


        If CType(sender, Button).Tag = "£0.1" Then
            CType(sender, Button).Text = "1p"

        ElseIf CType(sender, Button).Tag = "£0.10" Then
            CType(sender, Button).Text = "10p"

        ElseIf CType(sender, Button).Tag = "£0.50" Then
            CType(sender, Button).Text = "50p"
        ElseIf CType(sender, Button).Tag < 1000 Then
            CType(sender, Button).ForeColor = Color.Blue
            bchosen = 20
            haltgame = 1
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub Button26_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button26.Click
        'If we want to play again we shutdown the program and immediately restart it
    End Sub

    Private Sub PictureBox1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles PictureBox1.Click
        'We have answered the phone and stopped it ringing
        If haltgame = 1 Then 'Stop the phone moving and show the bankers offer
            PictureBox1.Image = My.Resources.utilphone2_05
            Panel1.Visible = True
        End If
    End Sub
End Class



And thats all you need.  Please dont forget to rate the video and hope to see you again soon :).  Contact me if you need any help.